"You should have hope in Allah alone and should fear nothing but your sins." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"The tongue of the wise man is behind his heart and the heart of a fool is behind his tongue." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"A friend cannot be considered a friend unless he is tested on three occasions: in time of need, behind your back and after your death." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Wisdom is the goal of believer, so acquire wisdom even from hypocrites." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his self-respect and his chastity depends upon his sense of honor." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"He is really wise whose actions reflect his words." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Whoever warns you against sins and vices is like the one who gives you good tidings." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"The survivors of a battle are large in number and have large progeny." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Victory stems from firm resolution from decisiveness and decisiveness by keeping one’s plans secret." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Everyone has an end , it may be pleasant or sorrowful." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"There is no wealth like reason, no poverty like ignorance, no heritage like culture and no aid like consultation." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Wisdom is the goal of the believer, so acquire wisdom even from hypocrites." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"If the mind is perfect then the speech is minimal." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Obstinacy will prevent you from a correct decision. " - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Honesty is Divine language." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Relinquishing one’s desire is the richest of all deeds." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"One’s character is hidden behind one’s tongue." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Knowledge gives life to the soul." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"A person will be ruined if he does not appreciate his own limits." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"To fulfill promise is the highest form of integrity." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Be afraid of a gentleman when he is hungry and of a mean person when his stomach is full." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"O’ son of Adam when you see that Allah is bestowing His favors on you while you are disobeying Him, you should fear Him." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"You should have hope in Allah alone and should fear nothing but your sins." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"The tongue of the wise man is behind his heart and the heart of a fool is behind his tongue." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"A friend cannot be considered a friend unless he is tested on three occasions: in time of need, behind your back and after your death." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Wisdom is the goal of believer, so acquire wisdom even from hypocrites." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his self-respect and his chastity depends upon his sense of honor." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"He is really wise whose actions reflect his words." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Whoever warns you against sins and vices is like the one who gives you good tidings." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"The survivors of a battle are large in number and have large progeny." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Victory stems from firm resolution from decisiveness and decisiveness by keeping one’s plans secret." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Everyone has an end , it may be pleasant or sorrowful." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"There is no wealth like reason, no poverty like ignorance, no heritage like culture and no aid like consultation." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Wisdom is the goal of the believer, so acquire wisdom even from hypocrites." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"If the mind is perfect then the speech is minimal." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Obstinacy will prevent you from a correct decision. " - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Honesty is Divine language." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Relinquishing one’s desire is the richest of all deeds." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"One’s character is hidden behind one’s tongue." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Knowledge gives life to the soul." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"A person will be ruined if he does not appreciate his own limits." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"To fulfill promise is the highest form of integrity." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"Be afraid of a gentleman when he is hungry and of a mean person when his stomach is full." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu
"O’ son of Adam when you see that Allah is bestowing His favors on you while you are disobeying Him, you should fear Him." - Hazrat Ali Karram-Allah-Wajhahu

Examination and Evaluation

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  • The minimum pass marks for each course shall be 40% for undergraduate and master degree pgd CS and pgd IT and 50% for PHD in theory and practical separately
    The marks grade required to pass a deficiency course shall be the same as the regulation relating to the examination courses concerned
  • Grade points will be as follows:

Marks Obtained Grade Grade Points Remarks
80-100% A 4 Excellent
65-79% B 3 Good
50-64% C 2 Satisfactory
40-49% D 1 Pass
Below F 0 Fail
  • The grades will be worked on the basis of percentage Of marks obtained by a student in each course separately according to conversion table quality points table And not on the percentage to total marks obtained by a student 1 credit hour shall carry 20 marks.
  • GPA CGPA will be calculated at the end of each semester in accordance to the following formula
                   GPA CGPA sum of quality points some of the credit hours
  • The quality points table given on the next page will be used for calculating the GPA CGPA
Picture for Quality Points
  1. Theory:
    In theory paper students evaluation shall be done by mid term examination assignment uses term paper and final examination both the midterm and final examination shall be compulsory a student who misses the midterm examination Shell not be allowed makeup examination and Shell be awarded zero marks in that examination however may appear in the final examination in case of student does not appear in the final examination of a course he shall be deemed to have failed in that course In theory weight age to each component of examination Shell be as prescribed hereunder
    1. BSc honours agriculture Bsc agriculture engineering BSc economics BS biochemistry BS forestry DVM B.Ed MSc Hons architecture poultry science M Phil MSc M.ED PhD agriculture biological Sciences economics education forestry and range management wildlife and environmental Sciences
Mid Examination 30%
Assignments 10%
Final Examination 60%

             b. Program of study in UMIS UIIT BIS

Mid Examination 30%
Assignments 20%
Final Examination 50%

    B. Practical
         If applicable 100% weight age will be towards final examination

A student shall be eligible to sit for the examination provided that he she

  • Has been on the roll of the university during during that semester
  • Has register himself herself for the courses of studies
  • Has attended not less than 75% of the classes in theory and practical/laboratory of each courses provided that the period of absence in the case of participation in co curricular sports activities with the permission of the competent authority concerned may not be counted.

All students of MSc Hons M Phil MS and PHD shall have to pass the comprehensive examination after completion of entire approved courses work as per University rules

Regulations relating to the discipline and conduct of students

Please refer to the university catalogue 480 regulations relating to discipline and conduct of systems and ethical code of conduct for students and faculty members